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Devices (plugin)


This plugin is used to connect devices through a serial port or bluetooth.

Connecting on Microsoft Windows

First you will need to physically connect to your device either throught bluetooth or a serial port.

After the device is connected to the OS you will be prompted with the COM port number (example COM3) - later referred as the device name

Java is required to run this plugin, accessing it will prompt a security warning, this is required to connect and read data from a serial port, accept it to continue using this plugin.

Click on the Devices() tool. Devices panel should appear on the screen.

To refresh the list click on the Refresh button. To connect to a device click on it's name in the list, if the connection was successfull the device's name will become highlighted. To disconnect from a device click on it's name again.

Upon connect a popup will appear asking about the baud rate of the device (consult your device's manual to identify it's baud rate) select the appropriate baud rate and click the Connect button.

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